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Skills Builder: Accelerator Programme 2024-2025

Skills Builder Partnership brings together a global network of educators, employers, and impact organisations to equip everyone with the essential skills to succeed.

The Accelerator is the flagship programme from the Skills Builder Partnership, supporting schools and colleges to embed complete strategies for building students’ essential skills – applications for funded places open 19th Feb 2024.

The programme includes training and support , along with tools and resources for teachers and real impact for students. The usual cost is £2300 but FREE via accelerator funding.

Last year a range of LCR send, mainstream schools and colleges received the funding and have had great success. If you would like to hear from them, please get in touch with the hub.

Watch this 10min walkthrough video with key information about the Accelerator Programme

Register interest: Get the prospectus, tips on applying and make you application –  here

Speak to the team: Email and someone will be in touch

Book onto an information webinar: here

There are only 200 funded places in the UK for 2024 – 25.