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Advanced Mathematics Support Programme

AMSP provide a range of support for State funded schools & colleges to increase opportunities for students to study maths post 16.

AMSP can provide:

  • Support with Benchmarks 2-7
  • Sessions for Careers Leads – Showcasing the resources and how they can use them as non-maths teachers and/or how to encourage teachers across all subjects to link the curriculum to careers learning
  • Online Live panels with employers hosted every term.  Find out more

AMSP Why Study Maths presentation – The presentation is aimed at Year 11 students and their parents/carers and often used at open evenings. It is fully editable, full of the latest information regarding different post-16 and post-18 maths pathways

AMSP Why Study Maths Presentation


General enquiries, national online events and GB4 resources

Martin Bamber for local enquiries.