Have you ever wondered what policing in Merseyside is like?
Their Observer Scheme offers the opportunity to spend time with police officers and staff from different teams, units and parts of the force.
Designed to give you first-hand experience, you’ll see what it’s like to be a police officer or member of police staff in our force and find out more about how we police. Importantly the scheme gives us the opportunity to hear your feedback as a member of the community.
You can spend time with a police officer on shift, patrolling Merseyside’s streets, or visit specialist units in the force like the Cannabis Dismantling Team or the force Control Room where we take emergency calls. We have the oldest Mounted Unit in the country that you can visit to find out more about why we have our horses and the important work they do for the force. Whatever you are interested in, get in touch and ask.
It is open to anyone aged 18 years or over who wants to take part.
You’ll need to fill in an application form and pass a force vetting check. Get in touch with Engagement Officer, Barbara Barbara.yates@merseyside.police.uk to request a form or to ask any questions you may have.
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