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Our Employer Offer

Do you want to support the future of Liverpool City Region but don't know how? Scroll to see the different ways that you and your staff can support careers education across our local schools and colleges.

The LCR Employers' Network

The LCR Employers’ Network is a one-stop shop for our employer community to share ideas, signpost opportunities and celebrate best practice relating to careers education.  Members are invited to our regular masterclasses, quarterly meetings and will receive our newsletter.

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Become an Enterprise Adviser

Enterprise Advisers partner with a local secondary school or college, on a voluntary basis, to use their skills, business experience and networks to help them develop a strong careers programme that supports all students. You will be assigned a member of the Careers Hub team to facilitate this relationship and ensure your time is best spent supporting the next generation.

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Employer Standards: Shaping Your Future Workforce

Effective engagement with the education sector through our Employer Standards will help you open new pathways and opportunities in your sector for young people.

Join over 600 employers who have already used our framework and self-assessment tool to identify and plan your work with schools, special schools, and colleges, and align this with your business objectives.

Find out more

Creating Careers in the Curriculum

Collaborate with a local school or college to develop lesson plans that use the world of work to teach key curriculum concepts to students. This process will be facilitated by the Careers Hub and requires just two meetings with the school or college. All resources will be branded and shared across Liverpool City Region.

Learn more

Do you have any other ideas of how you can support?

We are always open to suggestions! Get in touch to talk to one of our team about how we can collaborate.

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