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Creating Careers

Creating Careers allows students to explore the exciting and interesting career pathways Liverpool City Region has to offer. Check out the various series of Creating Careers below.

Kimpton and Prenton High School: English in the World of Work, Using Persuasive Writing

11:34:59am, 22nd May 2024

Key Stage 3    
Construction and Built Environment    Innovation    Professional and Business Services    
Creating Careers in the Curriculum    

Everton Football Club and Maricourt High School & Sixth Form Centre – Spanish Lesson Plan

12:37:37pm, 14th December 2023

Key Stage 3    
Visitor Economy    
Creating Careers in the Curriculum    
modern foreign language    spanish    

Knowsley Safari and Greenbank College: Maths Level 1 using calculations

16:13:41pm, 12th October 2023

SEND Entry Level    
Visitor Economy    
Creating Careers in the Curriculum    

GCSE Maths Tree Project

11:16:27am, 2nd May 2023

Key Stage 4    
Construction and Built Environment    Green Skills    
Creating Careers in the Curriculum    

Let’s Explore – Creating Careers Episodes

12:02:05pm, 14th April 2023

Key Stage 3    Key Stage 4    Key Stage 5    
Creating Careers: On Demand    

Careers with True – Innovation and Investment

16:20:59pm, 6th March 2023

Key Stage 3    Key Stage 4    Key Stage 5    
Innovation    Professional and Business Services    
Creating Careers: On Demand